
Patricia Griselda

Ask @seldaoey

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imp orang" yang duduk disekitarmu

"heh batak"
"taitu koe"
"nyohhh q"
"sangar to aku"
"aku wes pro og"
"aku wes move on seko fefe og"
"aaa nesu wes nesuu"
"hayo ya selda kukunya ya"
"heh relll menengo"
"heh manis"
"wong pedalaman q mang og uuuu"
"ampunnn tante"
"kwe q ngopo to"
"lha yaa wess"
"mang sengojo ndak ta bales"
"lo kan mang gini to"
"tante aku haussss"
"heh jesss"
"*ngguyu ndajelasss*"
"hiii lok o chris"
"*bisik bisik sama christian*"
"tapi q deen rak cilik yo"
"pas nganggo baju selfie kui lo"
"woooooo!!! yeeee"
"lariii lariii*nyanyi*"
"halah mosok nda ngerti"
"lagune subasha tu loo"
"tantee giranggg"
"aku dikelilingi 3 gendruwo"
"q edan banget ndess"
"hee omahe honaiii"
"heh seng genahh to ahhhh"
"ngakak ndeng akuuu"
"yok mengko meneh yokkk"
"hiii assss"
"anjingnya andii"
"seng genah to lixx"
"pegg peggy"
"wong pedalaman diem o"
"heh coba liato di ig"
"heh sell mreka ndatau ya selll"
"heh chress seng pas klas 6 tu loo"
"hayooo apanya yaaaa"
"aku kok alimm hahaha"
"edannn kweee sellll"
"shaun the sheeppppp"
"o hee bapak e iqi sopo jenenge"
"hi asu ndes"
"taii cokkk"
"laiske sell"
"oo ngono?"
"tak andake bk lo"
"eh hari ini ada bk"
"eh edann sel aku mbo cakar i"
"merah kabeh q lo ndes ndes"
"manis kuncorooo"
"ampunn kaka"
"hehhh jess jess"
"hayo ya selda knapa kukunya pjg ya"
"heh cocote"
"meneng to cokkk"
"makasih aku manisss"
"yo ngene to ndesss"
"heh koe ngko on?"
"heh genah sel minum ku ndi"
"eh jess jess minumku"
"cokkkk minumkuuuu"
"kang siomayy"
"benke aku terkenal"
"halah padune koe meh ngepek to"
"hi sosonya"
"taiii ya"
"isa ndak sel?"
"ya suaramu mending lahh"
"senggenah suu"
"mar oemar"
"andy toy story"
"hiii bjgn q cahh"
"pancalll andii"
"heh dan daniel"
"yawes yawes"
dan masihh banyak lagi~

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Language: English