

Ask @seoulminded

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Umm...yh she's cute she seems cool...I don't know I'm kind of awkward

Aww how are you awkward? You have to be confident when talking to girls~ otherwise they would be feel awkward towards you too!

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You know that shawty girl you talk too is she seeing anyone? Does she like Asians?

It depends... who's asking? ;) Are you interested in her?

What do you look like?

I can't really describe myself in a way that could be used to create some kind of mental image but... I'm 5'8 with short black hair, brown skin, dark brown eyes and I wear glasses 8)

Thank u ^_^ u too I'm 17 year old

Awww you're so young~ a lot of people I speak to nowadays are younger than me :P

it looks like it's going to rain don't worry about the chicken

That's why umbrellas were invented, don't tempt me with chicken and not deliver >.>

louise my mum bought chicken wings today i'm having them for dinner

Are you telling me this as an invitation or to rub it in my face? -_-

I wesh to visit London

You should come, there's a lot of awesome places here... even places I haven't been to yet :) (the weather is extremely unpredictable though... and it's 95% cold, rainy or both).

Plus I hate somebody sayed LOL to me

Oh, you don't like me saying "LOL", why not? I'm not laughing at you... it's a reflex thing. Like when people type LOL but they look like...


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