
Shifani Bio

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Latest answers from Shifani Bio

What is your favorite motto or saying?

sekali kali dengerin karya anak bangsa sabun! jangan lupa di like yaaπŸ˜‰πŸ‘‡πŸΌπŸ‘‡πŸΌπŸ‘‡πŸΌ

Which Disney character would you like to be for a day?

pgnnya jadi anak band aja ah :P
β€’β€’β€’hi halo! for you who have no idea about us... we are SANS
you can call us as a band which yes we are a band that includes ristya in vocal, razan in lead guitar, purba in rhythm guitar, egy in bass, and atha in drum. we play pop and rock songs, we love to cover some songs to pop and rock (believe us we are so good at covering someone's songs) but the great thing is that we are about to launch our first ever single that called "start" on this november 28th!
if you are "kepo" about sans, you can see our performance on Nov 28th at Mall Dinoyo for Indie(s)che Party. we are looking forward for the crowd! see you guys soon🎢
sssst and dont forget to follow our instagram for the upcoming gig's info!

fani uda pake jilbab tapi ko malahan makin centil ya ke cowo. saran gua doang si, dikurangin fan centilnya ga kane diliat orang lain

masyaallah ada yg ingetin, makasih yaa, insyaallah bakal lebih behave lg kedepannya, btw temen cowo gua emg byk jadi bukan berarti centil ya dkt2 cowo, dan hijaban bukan berarti udh bener2 sempurna gak ada salah, masih belajar saya hehe perbanyak tmn gak dosa kok πŸ˜‹

What's the last book you read?

Kurt Schwitters is on the track!
For those who are clever yet dapper at the same time, grab this Mulhouse Long Sleeve shirt paired with Grey Skinny Fit Trousers!
Wanna get them?
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Gateli sampean cok! tempe sampean cilik cok

ahsa nt sekut deh kalam jaga ye jgn kyk harim jal, gak fzak ambe ana ta kalo ana hawas?

Kita udah kenal tauuu, dia brp bulan sekali kemalang fan?

1 hari 3x pagi siang malem biar kyk obat, gak ah gua aja gak kenal lo

Language: English