

Latest answers from eskepism

knp tak suka ckp psl relationship lagi?

Eee asefem org lain ok je tanya macam2 psl friendship, studies, life lessons. Knp kat sini nak tanya pasal nikah kawin love relationship goal bagai. Bukannya ko nak kawin dgn aku pun *emo tetiba*

How often do you work out?

Every morning/evening. Depends kalau shift petang, work out masa pagi. Shift pagi, work out time ptg.

okay aleena you look really nice wearing hijab :)

Thanks :3 I don't wear hijab solely to look prettier or anything. It's just an obligation that I'm trying to obey. But honestly, there are also times that I don't wear it, but I rather not post it on social network. I'm still trying to win myself from my own nafs.

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