

Ask @sha_faizal

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Describe me :3

Mysterious. He has a very good english proficiency. A very good da'ie maybe tak obvious but he really is. Em he has a unique identity & i assume that he has a very dramatic past that taught him about life. He's not cliche. Hm apa lagi?!!!
Liked by: El Rose Rez

kak nik mcm mana saya nak pasang wiper kereta eh bapak saya suruh tapi saya x reti lah

ni pompuan ke laki ni? amik tali rafia pastu ikat. kalau takde tali rafia, tali persaudaraan pun boleh
Liked by: ikafarhaizzaty

What's the most expensive thing you've ever broken?

i rarely break things, i normally lose them :/
i lost my Rayban glasses, Elle watch, em what else. hmm glad i havent lost my iphone. not just yet.

kata trw....yela skg da igersnogori......

trw dah tak power cam dulu :( & takde kena mengena dgn igersxnogori okaaaayyy hihi

hahaha niiiikkkkk lawak angat part "zup zup pedas" & "physical nya tak berapa nak badar sangat" hahahahaha all the best to you too baby :)

haha takperlu pun mem'badar'kan diri secara fizikal. :p ok tini maceh jugak ;)

describe fatini fadzil classmate awok

anyonyo tini omey. tini ni orgnya garang. zup zup pedas jugak sindiran dia. haha. ahli badar yg secara physical nya tak berapa nak badar sangat tp in sha allah dalamannya cukup badar.
tini ni academically bijaksana, maths pun hebat. yg lain lain takyah cakap la. anak murid kesayangan cg wani. hihi
selaku classmate tini dari form4, tini ni mmg rajin jugak la. mesti siapkan homework. ambik berat pasal pelajaran jugak. bukan kategori bdk main main ke apa no no no. dia macam nana 4.0 jugak la lebih kurang hehe. so she deserves to be where she is now.
all the best in life tini tinton ;)

When u were a kid, did u ever think of running away from home after being scolded?

actually i did. i ran away from home for like, 3days i think. i was 13 (is that considered as a kid??? haha). but yeah, i did. i was rebellious and still am.

bagitau nama suzuran crush koranh. (tolong la bagi jawapan yang menjawab soalan, kalau tak jawab buat apa buat askfm geh)

TOO CONTROVERSIAL.......but y not, AKIM & ILYAS. ala instant crush je semua ni

Dulu nik kutuk and selalu perli org yg letak nama bf/gf kat bio? What happen now nik? Hahaha

bukan kutuk la bash. haha maybe karma hit me back so lain kali jangan kutuk org tau.
Liked by: nsaa mimi

i hv a girlfriend eh ex girlfriend, i still love her tapi dulu i dah pernah abaikan dia (a bit) dan dia pergi taktahu merajuk ke betul2. problem is i tak faham apa yang dia nak. girls are so complicated can they just chill

tu namanya mengada2. ah girls mmg complicated. its undeniable.
you cant just abaikan dia. mmg la dia merajuk lari 1000batu. you must explain your REAL situation whether you're busy this semester ke apa, you nak reduce contact ke, you nak apa you kena bagitau!!
girls ni merajuk sbb tak faham je. unless you've told her your condition and not bcs she didnt get it, she's just too selfish, nak jugak merajuk tak pasal2, then shes not a good gf la kalau macam tu.
Liked by: Rez

2 perkara paling rindu nak buat kat maktab waktu ramadhan dulu?

rindu nak buat? maksudnya? i dont get it.
rindu dah buat ke or rindu tak buat lagi but nak buat. how can i miss something i want to do but never accomplish. gah! takfaham
Liked by: sayang asniessa

weh, ada bestfriend sebaik suzuran x kat u korang?

takde. tapi ada sorg bestfriend la. not as the same as suzuran but okay la. baik in term of the way she is.


Language: English