

Ask @shadescool

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How are you celebrating Mother's Day?

I wanted to make it special and all but then it hit me that I am broke. Like legit don't have a cent to buy a candle.
So, I baked a cake. Without candle. Mum cut it and she was so happy.
Her smile was priceless. Eep.?
Liked by: priyal bhatt

Is @taaanvi you're best friend?

Well, no.
She is my inspiration. I look upto her. I respect, admire and appreciate her. For her work and for who she is.
She is amazing. I have no words to describe how beautiful, gorgeous and perfect and flawless she is. Like, did you even see her. Like wow.
Her work is spectacular.♥️ And I am extremely grateful and thankful that she remembers me. Yay.✌️
Love you.


shadescool’s Profile PhotoSiriii.
Haaii world. Meet MY world. Bae. Wifeeeyy. My foodie. My partner in crime. My bummy. My main beech. Ride or Die. *and all the things the world likes to call my unbiological sister*. My life. My everything. Hi potato, PoopyTurtle, shitface, weenie, poop, KimmyBear, Kimchi, and everything else I tend to call you.
I have no idea what to say, because I've basically said everything I want to.
You obviously know that I love you. So so so so much. I miss more than anyone rn. You know this. Duhh. Because I cried. I poured out every single day before I left. You're the only person for who I wants to stay back. You know this. A day doesn't pass by without thinking about Canada or you and the best squad we had.? You literally know just about everything about me. To the most embarrassing moments to the most important and memorable ones. We've been through a lot together. Idk how how we put up with each other! We are so random.?
Hahahaha, I remember every second we spent, legit. Yorkdale was bomb asf. Mockingjay was perfect. Last day was OMG, I'm speechless. I still have that shirt btw. :") I remember the first time I spoke to you and what I said and your reply, the day too.? Lmfao. I legit thought you were weird. XD But there was no way I could have survived without you. Best thing about you- idk. Everything. I tell you everything. Like literally. Anything to everything. You reply. Really quick. I mean it. You don't sleep which is amazing cause you reply anytime.?
The crazy part is that we laugh at everything. Grass. Paper. Food. No. Not food. Food is bae. We take everything in the most disgusting way possible. We even thought of going to the psychiatrist, cause we need help. Ms. Evans classes were the best. We understood everything.? And how can I ever forget gym?! Oh god. Swimming. My hair. I swear it was hard.? Badminton. We were so sportive.✌️ Soccer. My shoe came off a billion times.
All those bunks, skating shiz, movies, late nights, food, bus rides, rock climbing, trashing parties, rates, disses, conferences, braiding hair in math class, snow ball fights, freezing to death, one hundred bazillion gazillion inside jokes, wiener dogs or hot dogs?, Santa, Buzz-Kill, Sarah and a billion more things.
Thanks for making my time in Canada. I love you. And I miss you.♥️
I can honestly go on and on with things I want to say. We have waaay too many memories.☺️ But let's just keep it to this because I know you're lazy.
So, a very Happy Birthday Kim Nguyen. ??
You're best friend. I may say that to a bunch of people. But when I say it to you, I mean it.♥️ I do. And I shall never forget you.
And one last thing, someone dare hurt her, I will find you, and break you. And bury you alive. Not even kidding. I'll be the biggest bitch you ever thought.?????
P.S. You eat really slow. Jeez.
P.P.S. Keep our squad together forever. Ravneet, Jenny, Michelle, Precious, You and I. Forever and ever.?
P.P.P.S. We have over 250 pictures. Wow.♥️

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Haaii world Meet MY world Bae Wifeeeyy My foodie My partner in crime My

How do you keep yourself busy on a rainy day?

Hot chocolate from Tims. Netflixxx. Cozy blankies. Comfy clothes; preferably onsiea or pj's.
Liked by: Adnan :)


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