
Fifty Shades Updates

Latest answers from Fifty Shades Updates

When are you going to post more on Wattpad? I need to know what happens to Willa!

I'm sorryyyy. I'll add more soon =) I wrote a lot more after the last chapter.

Thank you for always being nice to your followers and not rude like that other site.

Why thank you <3 I try my best =)

Do you think Kim is gonna be a good Elena?

From the bit we've seen of her, I think she's going to do great. I'm really excited to see her performance.

Favorite fifty shades fan sites?

Ah there's so many good ones. Some I can think of are OhMyFifty, 50ShadesWorldcm, NikkiG26, LatersBabyUK, FiftyShades_ru

when do you think we'll start getting tv spots? :)

People have been saying they've already been seeing commercials so I wouldn't doubt if a lot more start popping up soon!

who's your least favorite character from fifty shades?

Hm....maybe Jack? When I read the books it was Jack but I feel like in the film it'll be Elena xD

opinion on i don't wanna live forever?

I wasn't too into it at first but it's really growing on me. Especially after the last trailer I see how it works well with the film =)

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