

Ask @shanbennetttt

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What are the things you want to avoid in a relationship?

Me- mum will you miss me when I'm gone??
Mum: I brought Pizza Hut to celebrate
Liked by: slut

what did ur mum say when she found out you watch porn

She doesn't know but she knows I have nude photos of men and women and she says it's normal so probably wouldn't care;D
Liked by: slut

Why don't you reach out to one of your old friends?

One of my old friends actually reached out and it looks like we're gonna meet:)
Liked by: slut

Do you go out for like exersice?

I have a treadmill, one of those bike things and weights and wii fit etc so why would I do such thingxD
Liked by: slut

When did you last leave your house

I went to Chams the other day other than that I barley leave the house;D
Liked by: slut

Omg haha who did you call and what did they say?!!!?

I called a few of old friends and my mums boss and one of them texted me asking if I was in troublexD
Liked by: slut

Fuck me hard?

Omg, I was in chams yesterday and I just realised I called like 10 people and I was talking about killing everyone... I'm laughing so hardxD
Liked by: slut

Whaaaaaat, that's ridiculous! I don't think I could live without the dirty side of the internet xD

I know virgin sent us a letter saying we watch too much porn and go on 18+ websites to much it's slowing it down... So I now live in painxD
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People are aloud to have opinions, but they're opinions can be INCREDIBLY wrong ;D

I tried to find the pedwiepie thing for the retard but I couldn't:( plan - ruined
Liked by: slut

You have your opinion I have mine

I'm actually in a okay mood for once so I'm not going to let you bother mexD
Liked by: slut

Wow anon, are you fucking serious?! It's like saying that it's your choice to be depressed -_-

I dislike anons that make statements when they don't know anything
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I understand wanting to travel but don't you have any ambition, money? I mean do you want to support yourself

To be fair money means nothing to me I just want to be happy even if it means stoping at hostels and hitch hiking haha but you have med-eveil views my friend
Liked by: slut

That's exactly what I want to do! It's what my cousin did, and she informed us that she is now living in a treehouse xD

A treehouse that's so awesome I'm really jelly like they are so cool and the nature ones on tumblr;D are so cool
Liked by: slut


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