

Ask @shantayyleacchh

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cunty carla, 100% pure #swag! lovely girl, so funny, little cutie. Hated each other at first but we've gotten quite close. Looks really pretty and I can't wait to meet her :) x

Opinion on me?;))

- you're fucking gorgeous!
- known you for ages aw
- used to be really close:(
- see you a lot around school
- so so lovely
- really nice to talk to
- I want your figure ngl, ugh it's perfff :*
- you're like a sister
- i can tell you anything
- I love you so much
(sorry that this was a late reply haha)

Aww Shantay:') love you so much too, I know we have settles apart wish I could see you more often:( and my hair isn't that nice, miss all our memories in middle school and primary school we were little shits in primary school I blame Harrison;) can't wait to see you either miss you loads too xxxxx<3

aw:') we can meet up one weekend soon? yep everything's Harrison's fault the dick head;))) hehe aw!xxxxxx

Opinion on me?:) xoxoxox <3

aw I love you so much!
I've known you basically my whole life!
we've been best friends ever since but we've drifted a lot:(
you're actual so gorgeous! I love your hair, aw
in middle school we had the best memories:')
you're birthday sleepover was so good, with josh and everyone aw!
I can't wait to see you with Sophie for another sleepover hopefully! you're like a sister, you know me so well:) I miss you!! I love you!xxxxxxx
Liked by: Shan_xox

opinion on me?

you're so gorgeous
perfect girly
you have a cute smile
your fringe really suits you:')
you're basically a big sister to me, you're always there for me, will listen to me and never judges me! I can trust you with basically anything! I want your figure:((( I miss how close we used to be!:( pop up anytime! I love you so much Jessie!xxxxxx
Liked by: 0reob4by


Language: English