
Shelby V

Ask @shelbyveeke5

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Yo thoughts😋✌🏻️

Well first off girl you are sooooooo (x1009.124 ) pretty! You are super funny and really easy to get along with! I miss my soccer buddy! An my colincakes sister!😂😂 we should hang out this summer sometime! 👌🏽👌🏽✌🏼️🙌🏽

If you were stuck on an island and only could have one person with you, who would you choose? Why?

A professional chef! To cook me food

Thoughts on Evan.S

Well we used to be really good friends, but idk if hes a big fan of me anyone😁. Uhh hes really good at running, an hes super funny! Hes a nice guy to be around ( which is good). An i hope to become better friends again dureing this year! 👌🏽
Liked by: Evan Schoonjans


Language: English