
Shelby V

Ask @shelbyveeke5

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It's Jaila and Brett's 17th day!!!!! There s'cute they are my goals 💛💛💛 and all you hater needa stop there in love! So even if you don't like them together stfu and let love happen

Oh my god. Okay who ever you are, you such at spelling Hun

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It's Jaila and Brett's 17th day!!!!! There s'cute they are my goals 💛💛💛 and all you hater needa stop there in love! So even if you don't like them together stfu and let love happen

Just to let you know S'cute isn't a word and neather is stfu and needa. When you learn to spell than you can blab on about your problems.

What's the last text msg you received?

Mom- Hey how's your thumb today?
Me- Uhhh good it's hurty
Mom- oh well tell your thumb to feel better, so you can make me dinner when I get home!
- Wooow thanks mom " feel the love"❤️
Liked by: Alyssa Logan Wilkie

It's Jaila and Brett's 16th day!!!!! There s'cute they are my goals 💛💛💛 and all you hater needa stop there in love!

Cool but actually STFU!

Text Jaila and Brett they care

Okay cool. But your kind of being super annoying. Sorry but no one what's to know TBH

jett or baila??? Just so you haters know Brett and Jaila are in love and there going to make it through so all you haters can stop now because I'm not going anywhere and neither is there relationship

Okay honeslty you need to stop. Your getting super annoying and no one wants to know about your bull shit. Thanks

Hey so Jaila and Brett actually like all this attention on ask so why don't you stop saying that they are annoyed and why don't you text her or him and they will tell you this too

Okay? I never said it wasnt true... I'm just saying i dont know who they are

We went to aberarder together and I just think she's so pretty and her bf and her are adorable

I just asked my friend and he said their not dating 😂😂😂😂😂

She doesn't have social media but your friends with teigan right? Teigan and Jaila were friend through elementary school

Oh😂😂 Teigans my bestie. How do you know this Jalia?

Jaila not Julia and its Jaila White-Barr she went to aberarder last year and is at nl now

I feel like I don't know her 😂😂 I'll creep her

Do you want me to give you jailed number so you can talk to her

Haha, u feel like she won't want you to do that. Her number will be leaked on social media 😂

Yes but do you know who Jaila even is, you should they are cute af together

I'v heard of her. She seems nice but never really met her really. So that's neat


Language: English