

Ask @sherryanne_

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Tbh• we used to be buds when we were like 5? fun times ahahaha but anyway you're super gorgeous and we should talk more☺️

Dayna Nicole
I actually remember that! I remember I told you there was a witch in the sky and you were mad I lied so you left and we never talked again????
Liked by: Dayna Nicole

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tbh: we haven't talked to much but feel free to text me anytime! your really pretty and super sweet:)

thank you! you're so beautiful yourself your hair and eyes are gorgeous???

Tbh- your gorgeous and I always see you around at school and you have a really nice style and you seem like a really sweet person:) text me sometimee

thank you very much beautiful! means a lot❤️❤️
Liked by: Mckenna

tbh your so pretty and you seem really sweet!! you have really nice hair and you also seem pretty funny too((:

thank you beautiful??it really means a lot thank you❤️

Tbh you're dating my cousin so that's pretty cool. If he ever asks if you want a piece of him say no. You're super gorgeous and seem like such a sweetheart. Hopefully we can get to know eachother better sometime!

Haylee Gibson
thank you! he tells me that story all the time and always talk about you?? you're beyond gorgeous yourself and yeah I hope we can get to know each other better sometime?

tbh I always think the mannequins at your mums store are legit for a split second& the panic is real.. Another thing so real is how amazing u are &I think you're a joy to be around! wish we talked more:)

Chloë McCarron
HAHAH literally my whole childhood was mini heart attacks from that mannequin ??? thanks so much and text me sometime!! 639-1252?
Liked by: Chloë McCarron

Tbh: idk you very much but you seem like a really nice person and you gave me sweet candy on Halloween so???

thank you hahahah????

TBH- your fricken amazing! Your one of my close friends! I can talk to you about anything and know you won't judge me! Your very beautiful and a fantastic friend love you girl ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Ashley S.
I love love love you beautiful ???❤️❤️❤️
Liked by: Ashley S.

What makeup do you use on Your face it looks super duper good ?(:

thank you! ???
just some under eye concealer and a little foundation, but I don't use much though cause less makeup looks way better!
Liked by: Lexii Stewart

R u wearing your Halloween costume to school on the day before Halloween???

I don't think so, I don't know what I'm being ?


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