
Gross Girl

Latest answers from Gross Girl

Who is your favorite and your least favorite Overwatch heroes?

Favourite: Junkrat
Least Favourite: High Noob

Who did you/ do you plan to romance in Stardew Valley?

I romanced Penny up because I wanted to save her from a trailer trash life... but it was a tough choice between her and Leah LOL

Stardew Valley alll the wayyyy! Will you be playing Dark Souls 3 once its out?

oh shit, I got dark souls 3 but I can't get passed the third boss LOL plus I'm too into Overwatch to continue

You can only hear one song for the rest of your life. Bohemian Rhapsody or Ring of Fire?

Ring of Fire.. Bohemian Rhapsody would get annoying after a while

Language: English