

Ask @sid_nicole

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What’s one mistake you keep repeating?

I keep repeating the mistake of trusting people and the mistake of caring about people who clearly don't give a shit..

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Do you have any strange phobias?

I'm scared of locking a bathroom door because I feel like I'll get locked in. It's strange because you can unlock it from inside.

What picture comes to your mind when you hear word "fun"?

Happiness...Something I clearly DON'T have..

Stripper pole!(; ok anyway. Now that you probably know who this is.. When are you coming over again.. This weekend? Right lol..

Cloe Rae
I can't. Prom is this weekend and I have a Confirmation to go to Sunday
Liked by: Cloe Rae

What do you miss?

Softball. It was my life. Still is I just want it to ne the season. It will just never compare to the 2013 season!<3

How do you shake the feeling of depression?

I don't really know anymore. I basically sit feeling sick thinking about the issue. Just sit and overthink.
Liked by: Cloe Rae

If you had three wishes, what would they be?

1.) A sign on which college.
2.) Less stress
3.) Unlimited wishes


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