

Ask @sierraalanism

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When a flower doesn't bloom, you fix the environment in which it grows, not the flower 💯

I LOVE that

We can talk I'm sorry I pushed away. If we do talk about it it's a lot, i think i needed time to prepare myself to talk That's all

Never feel sorry for being patient w yourself

If you are big on communication, but your partner isn’t entirely or is unsure how to effectively communicate with you regarding certain issues in the relationship, do you try working it out even though it’s always the same brick wall result or do you decide it’s time to part ways? What do?

Work it out. Be patient with them.

Me and my boyfriend have been on a break for 10 days now and I feel like he doesn’t like me anymore and I don’t know why I love him so much but I just don’t know what to do do I break up with him or do I stay with him

Do you miss him?

Would you rather settle for someone okay but not perfect now, or hope for someone better in the future? If you choose to wait, how do you deal with the risk that you may never meet anyone, and the best decision would then have been to go with the okay but not perfect person?

Hope for someone better in the future. I’ve come to terms where I’ve accepted the fact that I’m prolly gna be forever alone cause I got trust issues. I’m happier alone, that’s all I care bout, I’m satisfied

Honey. Leave me alone. You’re gonna find a person way better for you than me. I don’t want anything to do with you. Stop looking at my stuff and reaching out. You’re better than that. Ask yourself, why are you acting like this? What need do you have that is not being met?

Oh gah damn

If a man and a woman do the forbidden Tango and the woman gets pregnant and the woman does not want the child but the father does is it her choice to have the abortion or does he get a say on the subject

He can say what he wants n give his opinion but it’s her body so she should make the final decision


Language: English