Ask @simabr

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I may not be special for you. But you know me and you are very very special for me.

well you can know if you are special to me or not if you come off anon :')
Liked by: Directioner1D Arooj

Samantha, samia, manal, monika, lenka, david, mathieu, szonja, woowoo (sth), taha (sth) etc etc. Want more?

omg who is this?!

What's soo good about it? Cause cause cause it's Bob talking to you :3 and morning's are awesome, psht

hahah hello youu! not much of a morning person. I want tea.

Hi dear ! I'm the day maker and one of your friends sent me to make your day ! He wants to tell you that he loves you and he miss and can't wait to meet you again in Abu Dhabi ! Hace a nice day ! ❤❤❤

The Day Maker
hahah awww that's so cute! and cheesy :') I love you, whoever you are, and I miss you too and I can't wait either! thank you❤️

how do I put this so ask doesn't take it down, ure the least prettiest person I've ever seen and I hope u don't live to see tomorrow, here have a heart as well❤️.

aww I told you, stop being so sweeet!
Liked by: Monika••


Language: English