
Shalina Aguilar

Ask @simplyshalina

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Hey again ((;

Excuse my French let me try to say this in the nicest way possible leave me the fuck alone 😊😊😊

Ill stop just pls tell him to stop tell him not to track me and find me please tell him to stop im sorry i wont do it again

Block me and never ask me questions again and I will tell him to leave you alone ☺️

Who is 3181286

My oldest brother I haven't seen him in forever cause he's been locked up but now he's back home 😊

sorry for doing this pls tell that number to leave me alone im sorry

Leave me alone and he'll leave you alone 😊

Do you really give no fucks? Or inside are you actually worried about who this is? Be truthfull with yourself.

I could care less about who this is I have no worries I sleep great at night 😊😊

You are heartless. I know you better than you think. I know you give no fucks, thats why I'm in this position. You're actions fucked me up. You will see, one day, when the actions of somebody else hurts you, and you have nobody to go to, once more.

I'm heartless ? My actions fucked you up ? You think you got me all figured out don't you

If you're gonna be so god dam pretty, you should of guessed that opening an anonymous questioning board would be a bad idea

Very true but you do have the option to not make yourself anonymous


Language: English