
Queen Ninja Bunny ;3

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did :D

:O wots wrong with cha? :O dont disagree with me :O

→TH3 BO$$ ←
im disagreeing cause you're lying. im just debating the truth, whats right. im just sick of people who lie just to make me feel special, dont waste your time on me go and find someone else to make themselves feel special, I've given up on everything, but hope, hope that one person who would be truthful even if it hurts because then it will save me the embaresment and humiliation.
Liked by: Dobby

*cough* i am talking honestly *cough* you are perfect *cough*cough* *_*

→TH3 BO$$ ←
Don't lie to me im not it's a way to make people smile. the truth is better then a lie even if the truth is worse.
Liked by: Dobby

Hey you, if you receive this you're perfect. You're perfect and deserve to be noticed by the world and be loved for who you are. Send this message to the people you think are perfect. Nothing will happen if you break the chain, but it's a nice message to read when you've had a bad day. Love you <3

→TH3 BO$$ ←
Nawh, howerver im one who is not perfect, and that's the truth, im not perfect, i dont mean just my figure cause that aint perfect but my personality isn't perfect. sorry jakub, but what you just told me was a lie and don't tell me it wasn't because trust me it's a lie and you know it.

so you just liked my question on feeling low and shit, now I'm not going to be all soppy like awwwhhhh all I can say is when you're down imagine someone you hate with no eyebrows or teeth and of you're really down without hair too, also smile, a smile kills a wankers ego!

Liked by: Dobby


Language: English