

Ask @siying_sunshine

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hello!! 💞🐘 how are you today? i hope your day went amazingly well and if not, be comforted that YOU ARE SO AMAZING and you'll get better days. jiayou with your schoolwork and all that boring stuff. here's sth to lighten the mood: Have you ever tried eating clocks? heard they're time consuming! 😹

thannkkk youuu 🙆💘
Liked by: anthea x

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hello you!! how did you spend your Sunday?? please sleep early alrights and jiayou for the new week of school tmr!! 💖 (•̀ᴗ•́)و you can overcome all your problems. turn your cants into CANS and keep fighting 🐤

i had netball competition this morning 💪thank youu 😊💘
Liked by: Ibnu Hairie

Hi:))) jiayous for school !! hope you're having a great day so far and if not, things will get better❤️❤️remember that you are loved💕stay strong, you can get through anything:)) press on, don't give up yh !! you deserve all the love in the world❤️❤️❤️

thank you ☺💞
Liked by: Ibnu Hairie

depends on?

depends on if i reallyyy love the person, it is worth being with him and if i can handle my studies and friends well. but i think now i just want to focus on my studies

hey!!:-) firstly, im so sorry if i forgot to send a note yesterday. i was sick and i cant seem to remember if i sent one... secondly, how are you doing today? how did you spend your saturday doing? do you still have exams? if you do jiayou in everything ok. 💪🏼💪🏼 remember to keep pressing on! 🐤

today was fun!! hahaha 😂😂

likers get fi & ci; fi: kind and nice .pretty and cute. famous haha and cool 😎 ci: still nice. still pretty. you seem like a guy magnet cause I've heard stories HAHAH. also, pretty smile you got there! 😄 -see you around!

verosil G.
HAHAHA 😂 thank youu 😁


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