
Skye Davis

Ask @skyeeedavis

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If you could eliminate any word from the dictionary, meaning no one can ever use it again, what word would you choose?

Twerk. I'd also hope no one could ever do it again too

Anything new? Dating?

wtf this is from 6 months ago?
anyways just moved to Trail. and no dating lmao single af over here

Which famous person have you met or been close to?

None. I was like 5 feet away from Tyler Medeiros if that counts lool

Do you ever leave ur house I've seen you litterally twice in my life but you've lived here since grade 9? Do you even go to school wtf

I think I might have a pretty good idea of who this is now Hahahahaha but if not, I've probably only seen you twice because I don't like you, like look at your shitty attitude
Liked by: rach

leave Skye alone. she's not a damn skid. there are so many people who don't have a job or attend school. that doesn't make them skids. you don't even know what's going on in her life right now. so instead of being a judgmental asshole, you can leave Skye alone cause she doesn't deserve this shit.

RachelPaigeMartens’s Profile Photorach
Thank you so much Rachel <3

I've asked u questions before and have been following you for a while lol hahahah? it tru tho your a skid I've hears stuff bout u

Well maybe you shouldn't believe everything you hear lol you obviously know nothing about me other than what you've seen on my Facebook or ask, why don't you message me instead of being a little pussy hiding behind anon if you have that big of a problem with me being a "skid" xD


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