
Shannon LaMar Lawton

Ask @slamar74

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What’s most intriguing about the Cinderella story?

when most people treat you bad or don't recognize your existence and all this time you're the treasure not being searched for or overlooked

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Who will be the next person you will kiss?

hopefully someone that I'll be with for a long time

What exactly do you want these days?

someone who loves me, want to be loved by me and support each other

What things you are interested in nowadays ??

want to be a successful promoter for people and businesses

You come across a magic book and whatever you write in it becomes reality. What's the first thing you would write in it?

All debt paid with financial stability

How will u feel to talk to a person, you don't even know the name ?

I sometimes just blurt out a greeting when I approach anyone or a group of people. This occasionally starts up a conversation.


Language: English