

Ask @slimshadeyyy

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At what age did you find out that Santa wasn’t real?

Wff you on about of course he's real I mean who would drink my milk and eat my mince pies and WHY WERE THERE FOOTPRINTS ON MY ROOF?

What is one thing that many people don't know about you?

If they didn't know and I don't wish to tell them then why should I put it on here?

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What do you think when you look in the mirror?

Oh my god do I really look like that why is my nose big why is my face scarred I hate my looks

What is your favorite song at the moment?

Latch - Disclosure
Gold Dust - DJ Fresh
Theres lots but I like them a lot atm

What supercool connections have you made through the Internet?

Idk wtf is with these questions ask something more interesting and vary them a bit

Please can you copy the following, battleofthefans/view/333, in your browser then click the first result for a cover of Shine A Light by GeorginaaMcfly and vote for my friend? Its for a competition and the winners meet mcfly! :) thank you x

Okay :) I love mcfly and would love to see a cover x
Liked by: Jess

12:29 not been funny but I cant sleep at all got stupid taylor swift in my bed omfg damn annoying tossing and turning AND NOO SLEEP

What? You have Taylor Swift in your BED?! Steal her phone, get Harry Styles' number and throw her out of the window. No wonder you can't sleep!


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