

Where would you like to be, what do you want to be doing, where do you want to live, relationship status, job etc

living in america with @zanezuniga (he's my best american buddy from america) and married to mirranda and we'd make comedies together and have no children cos we won't have time cos we'll be driving our ice-cream van all around Colorado, NY and Washington and then we'll rent a room at the playboy mansion and do a load of our sets there and then, buy some playboy bunnies from Heth so that they can be in mine and my wife Mirranda's show. then when me and her get older, we'll get a house that will be pink and purple with green glitter all over it with a swimming pool in every room and we'll grow old in style :)))
that's my life plan
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Latest answers from Cerys™

If you could close one fast food chain because of disgusting food, which one would you pick?

Kebabs are rough asf

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I have no idea. Probably McDonalds symbol ahahaha

Language: English