

Memories with Becky Hodges?

- when i first met her and we didn't understand the work in english
- we she got me to go out with her brother haha
- when her dad went out and got us chewing gum cus beck's wanted some
- when me and Bec went to town and she had a go at this girl for me aw
- when she was crying all day for no reason and we was hugging all day
- the day we made cecca at my house haha
- when we met a male stripper on omegle
- when we had a pool in her garden
- when we met luke and harrison after school
- when we met Christian Weston
- when Luke and i split she was hugging me all day
- when she curled my hair and we looked like sisters
- when she slept over and we had a heart to heart from 5 in the afternoon till 1 am
- when i slept over hers and we memorised the cup song
- the other time when i slept at hers and we watched the keith lemon movie hahaha
- we her mum took me, dan, laura, archie, ben and alfie to bowling and me and laura got in with archie, alfie and dan hahahaha
- when me and becks tried to make a cake and it went wrong so we drunk it up with a straw omfg
- when we met Zane on Omegle and Skype and i almost went out with him aha
- when she came to my birthday and she tripped up the stairs
- when we got kicked out of english for wearing to much make up
- becky got my favourite lipstick converscated :(((
- when we hid under the table from Mr Merry in history cus we were angry with him
- the time when me and becky tried to find me a re bound ;o
- when we kissed for the first time
- when we hug in the rain and lightning because we're scared
- when i'm ill she always looks after me
- when she told me off for being a hypocondriac
- when we met Matthew Knights at school in the library
Liked by: Cameron Green
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Language: English