

Memories with Tom Pascall?

ok well
- when he first came to my school and he didn't know anyone and i was his buddy
- when we always text in the morning to double check where we are
- the time when he stole a sixthformers chair and thought she was looking for it in the book shelf
- the time in RE when i wacked him in the face with the test
- when Luke split up with me and Tom was just hugging me in the morning when i was crying
- on mufti day when we were really scared to go in
- ''welcome to judge city''
- when Paige pushed someone over in science and we both were creasing up!
- when he came to town with me and i introduced him to Poppy and Imogen
- when we got pasta EVERYDAY
- the time when we chase Victoria Ford round school getting her to say cheekaaaay
- when he did my hair for me in a high bun and had a little bit of hair hanging down like a willy
- when we took selfies in science
so many more x
Liked by: Cameron Green
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Language: English