
Tim Murphy

Ask @smurphymurphy

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Funny but I'm not who you think I am I'm 16 and I'm a male so keep guessing

so watchu Doin on my ask nigga

So who am I since you think you know and if I see that girl again can I tell her what you said or should I just show her??

Mariana isn't bae and its fuck I forgot your name but you hurt asf

So who is it then if your claiming you have one?? Marianna

why you asking ik who this is your hurt shut up

Sorry damn was just ask in cuz I seen her the other day then I seen her with you you calm the fuck down

she was probably hurt as fuck

If you could go anywhere in the world who would you go with?? Not including family

the squaaadddd and a few biddies


Language: English