

Ask @sniperraptor420

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Apologize about saying those things that weren't true trust me sweetheart I have the screenshots of all of those I screenshotted them when I was crying those videos apologizing you made me do all that publicly humiliating me to stroke your ego to keep your dirty secret a secret I'm reporting all thi

Hope you're okay. Can I ask what happened?

How many people would you date if you could? An who would they be?

aliciabiscool9’s Profile PhotoRudolph B
I don't think I could date more than one at a time. Maaaaybe two, but that runs the risk of someone getting jelly. Which isn't good for anyone involved, imo

is it rude for a woman to put in her bio "not interested in dating, flirting, romance or anything similar, so don't even bother"?

I wouldn't think so

What’s your type

aliciabiscool9’s Profile PhotoRudolph B
Don't really have a type. I am attracted based on different things for different people. General categories are humor, personality, smrts and looks are last

only the accounts i KNEW were him are answering. (they supposed be from other countries) ha! where all the ones i know aren't him that are only few states away? i understand and now i understand how you hid everything on phone to multi users.. if this all was so innocent as u claim y lie n hide it!

I dunno what you're going through, but I'm sorry. Seems like you got fucked over by a jerk


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