

Latest answers from S O H I L A

‏خلصنا و احتفلنا و سنه جديدة نرجع بقي لاكتئابنا ومشاكلنا وقرفنا ولا كأن حصل حاجة.. 👌

ozihfjfjxhdb’s Profile PhotoUZI
أعتقد أنه بإمكانك انك تخليها سنه جميله وكل السنين الجايه وتتخلي ع اكتئابك وتبدأ تهتم بحاجات جديدة تخليك متملش وتشغلك ع الحاجات ال ممكن تضايقك
Just be happy 💕

شُو بتتمنى يتحقق بالـ 2020💬.؟

binnishe9’s Profile PhotoM
I want life without stress or worries , I just want to be happy ❤🌲


As long as you are breathing, there's hope. There's something beautiful waiting to happen to you and you gonna feel that happiness again. So please, don't give up! 💛

I wish to you a happy year, and a different year. May her days be all happiness, joy, pleasure, and may God succeed you in your exam, and may God make you the happiest people💚

IamCraZzyXErrrST’s Profile Photoبيلى
Thank you ❤❤

Language: English