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pa kaj zej mate probleme u koga je?! nehte. puste jo na mer. to je njena stvar. al se vm nezdi?! #MALATEMARADA

smiri žiučke mala<3<3
Liked by: Sѧяѧ

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What things should you never tell your parents?

when´s your test coming
who´s your boyfriend
when do you go to sleep..-usaj pr men je tko haha
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What's the most important lesson you've learned in life?

1. Do not say “I love you” if you do not mean it.
2. Do not date someone just to make another person jealous.
3. Do not cheat.
4. Do not lie, not even about little insignificant things.
5. Do not date someone just because someone else is unavailable at the moment.
6. Do not play with someone’s emotions.
7. Just be a decent fucking person.
That´s what I learned:)

What would you do if you woke up and all the other people were gone?

drink chocolate milk idgaf
pol bi sla pa najbrs pogledat na igrisce ker ko ni nobenga nikjer so ponavad usi na igriscu,usaj pr nsss:)
Liked by: Sѧяѧ Kostja✔️ k

Hey! To je stran o slikah verzov, slikah tumblr fantov/punc, smešnih slikah in fotkah dobrih stilov za fanta in punco:) Delila bom tudi fajn gife in slike hrane, itd.Tuki se lahko družmo vsi!!! Jaz ti sledim, ce te zanima mi sledi nazaj in ce si zainteresiran/a lajkaj prosim moj odgovor:)Hvala lepa

✌ ⚽ a n y t h i n g ⚽ ✌
imas moj da in moj follow!:)

ker efekt si pri retrici izbrala na zadni sliki ki si jo dala na fb? (prosim odgovori cim prej) pa nastej se dobre efekte pri retrici ce lahko. tnx<33333

frontpage? se mi zdi da je neki tazga..am drugac pa eastern,black&white,i.,breeze..te najvec uporablam:)<3
Liked by: Sѧяѧ


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