

Latest answers from Mino-

Assalamualaikum, yg aktif ans yo. Mau bersihin following

Gue udah gak aktif, tapi ya masa lo tega unfollow istri lo sendiri elah hon

Kalian suka olahraga tidak?kalo suka ,sukanya olahraga apa? Terus berapa kali kalian ngelakuin itu?(misal 3x seminggu)

bie • binnie
I mean, movie marathon. Sorry, i'm not that athlethic person, my bad.

Hi. I happened to see your tweet and it said "i have seunghyun as my maknae" the name is actually SeungYoon, Kang Seungyoon. 😁

Ah i see. Sorry my brain is kinda mixed up since i have so many TOP on my timeline and most of their direct name (dn) are seunghyun. So yeah, it's funny how i don't remember my own member's name lmao.
Anyway thanks for correcting me. Please say hi whenever you find me on twitter (since i mostly active on there)

What is the best way to fix a broken heart?

Time will heal. No need to be in hurry. Just enjoy every single feeling that you still have

Nothing much just want to remind you to stay heatlhy and please eat well!

Of course I'll definitely do, you don't need to remind me. I'm such a good eater(?) hahah
You too, don't skip ur breakfast and don't stay awake until midnight. It's not good for health

I thought youre not gonna open this anymore

I just sign in because i want to see a reply message from my friend. Why? Do you have something to tell me?

i asked you to guess, thats the point why i appeared as an anonymous, okay?

and you asked me to give you my answer on your qbox.
I mean, oh come on HOW??

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