

Ask @soovasion247

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it was my birthday yesterday and got lots of cake....ever regretted eating too much cake? i dont hehe

Happy belated birthday! Unfortunately, yes. I don't have a sweet tooth so I get sick of sweet things easily ><

Favorite English song? Favorite Korean song?

English (for now) - All of Me by John Legend
Korean - ITNW ^^

How often do you smile?

pretty much 98% of the time :D I think it's one of the reasons why my cheeks look chubbier that they are jk jk XD

What's your favorite anime?

does Spirited Away count? :D or My Neighbor Totoro? Those are the only ones i know orz

Should schools offer cash bonuses for good test scores?

well, schools should be paying teachers a good amount of money anyway... they should replace the bad teachers first before giving a raise so it'll be fair.

What books on your shelf are begging to be read?

I've actually been wanting to re-read the Sierra Jensen series (12 little books) but I haven't gotten around to it. There are a lot of books I haven't read but... they don't look interesting. heh :)

What was the last thing you laughed at?

Laughed at? I laughed at myself getting scared of my panda plushie that has big eyes.

Do you prefer to be alone or around people?

I like being alone... there are times when I want to be around people..

Would you rather be a lonely genius, or a sociable idiot?

uh... would you rather be with SImon Curtis or Jang Geun Suk??


Language: English