

Ask @sooyeonjungs

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hi rum pum pum pam don't you have classes tomorrow? you should go sleep now ^^

i actually have 8am class haha i slept enough this afternoon i can't sleep anymore :<

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Just have fun and i'm not talking about love only ayt i'm talking about everything, experience everything pam lol anyways, i hope you learned something from an anon hehe so hows ur day?

haha someone's trying to lecture me huh :)) my day's quite gloomy cuz i'm sick lmao

You are afraid to be hurt because you've been hurt so bad before? I guess that's your defense? So you will forever just do whatever is going to happen without exploring or risking things becoz of that defense? All right you're not hurting and just neutral, question is are you satisfied or happy?

To be honest, haha I think i became invulnerable because of what happened before. I'm not making it as an excuse not to take chances or risks or whatever. It's just that I changed my priorities in life. Not that I'm closing my doors forever i just want to have sometime to improve myself more. Am I happy? I'm on my way there i guess ^^
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It's normal to be frightened of decisions of course, but sometimes you gotta take the risks, learn to jump especially when you know there is someone who will catch you at the bottom of the cliff

uhh yeah some people told me about that too, i just say yes i understand and stuff but on the inside i really don't know what to do and how to learn that. I think maybe that's just easy for them to say such things because they are not me and that they don't know me that much

You know what i always stalk you.i always search "rum pum pum pam" but you changed it haha

haha yeah cuz i think it's too long so i put it in the bio

have you ever been in love that you gave almost everything you have but all you got is pain and sorrow?

what a poetic question :)) hahaha well to start yes I have been in love. I guess most people did. I almost gave everything but I keep on insisting that I still have to keep something for myself no matter how I love that person is (which I failed to do before), I got hurt, people get hurt but atleast we did learn a lesson ^^
Liked by: sam

Okay just word of advice if she's a good person to you don't let her slip away lol i have many situations where i let go of the good people and keep the wrong ones which i regret at the end of the day

haha i think i have a curse of being not good in keeping people around. I always end up being left or I leave people for good but some of them told me that it's just that I need to learn to know who are the right people to keep and I guess I found them. I was just a little bit frightened in making decisions

Good for both of you then, I salute her she's how do I put it in words have high tolerance in pain? lol i don't know if you get that and I'm totally not that person whoever that is

we're over it i guess, i'm not really thinking about it after we've talked about the situation, that's why.

Ahhh i'm just really curious and all since i stalk your twitter profile and see your interactions it seemed like she really likes you(just a guess, again), and clingy to you, sorry for being a creep tho lol, too bad she's in the zone (friendzone) lol

yeah you seem so curious and i'm having this instinct that you're the same person who asks about me and lyss lol anyway yes we're pretty much good friends setting other feelings aside

I dunno, you like her as a person? as a friend? or do you adore her? pick one or all of the above? lol

as a person and as a good friend lol we're pretty cool together


Language: English