
Sophia Garcia

Ask @sophsgarcia

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What'd you do this weekend? PAP?

? I'm in love with this shittttt. The original is by a lowkey sauga man who just got signed by him & it's soooo good holy fuck. you're welcome.
Whatd you do this weekend PAP

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Which activities or hobbies make you lose track of time?

running. two fucked up knees but still going strong :) :) :) :)

If you could talk with only one person for the rest of your life, who would it be?

my best friend in RL. bitch is talking 25/8 & cracking me up so that should keep me entertained.

Do you have sex before you date someone?

if I'm into someone, nah. A little anticipation never hurts.

What was your first concert? No matter how embarrassing - let's hear it.

I was a die hard Jonas brothers fan for a solid year and a half?......6th grade did me no good.
Liked by: Lea O

What are some of your favorite shows on Netflix?

just watching Grey's rn. I love ahs too (still haven't finished that damn asylum season)

What are your plans for the weekend?

I'm hungover af & I have work in an hour. I had to set 8 alarms to make sure I didn't sleep through every single one of them. uggggggh

Are you interested in anyone?

this is literally asked every fucking day. come up with some new questions. thanks.

Last thing to make you smile?

my eyebrow lady asked me when my prom is.....bitch what? like o k I did not accumulate bags under my eyes over a year for this.

Do you play sports?

I quit competitive dance end of 11th grade, and then I've ran track, field hockey & rugby in high school.


Language: English