

Ask @spandrell

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Since you have on ocasion strongly suported the idea of Manchu sinicisation I wanted to ask if you were familiar with the "New Qing history" people? And if yes what your opinion on them was.

Yes, I am very familiar. It's complete bullshit, a blatantly political attempt by USG to deny the legitimacy of Chinese ownership over all non-Ming territory.

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Hello spandrell. People say china will run out of water in 2030,I know that on average northern china is drier than saudi arabia,but that's probably because of the Gobi. Is there reason to worry about a chinese water shortage in the near future? Also how long europe (all of it) to go full turkey?

Well water is in short supply, but the population isn't growing so I don't think there's any real danger of running out that soon. There's plenty of infrastructure going on too.

what is your opinion on the french election

The French deserve to die as a nation. I mean not because they failed to elect Le Pen. They just suck. The damage that French intellectuals have done to Western Civilization is incalculable.
Liked by: laowai

Do you have any favourite documentaries/movies on the history of the left destroying the establishment, or Gnon theory, or movies/docs in general you like?

I wish there was any of that.
I like intense movies in general. A good movie on the psychological profile of leftists is The Human Condition (人間の条件), a 10 hour trilogy on a Japanese communist in WW2 who gets sent to a Gulag and can't understand why the Soviet generals aren't nice to him.
Liked by: Nikolai Ilychkayev

I read that Toyotomi Hideyoshi mostly invaded because he didnt know what to do with so many samurai but for some reason the Tokugawa who had more samurai then they knew what to do with never invaded the mainland. Usualy states with large warrior elites are more expansionist. Did they fear the Qing?

The Tokugawa obviously had less than Toyotomi once you count the tons who died in Korea. But most importantly he had an arrangement, a working feudal system to keep them in place. Toyotomi wasn't very legitimate, being a commoner and all that; he wanted the big guys busy, preferably dead, so he could be left alone in Japan. The Tokugawas set up a very complicated and fragile feudal system, so they wanted no risk; they closed the country completely to foreign agents.

why has Japan been expansionist so rarely in its history? It bearly used any of the imperial crisis in China to grab Korea and it had a large caste of elite warriors.

Huh? Japan had armies in Korea in the 7th century. The Heian state most emphatically didn't have a large caste of elite warriors. Those happened after the collapse, and Japan was a huge mess for centuries. Exactly when Japan happened to be stable and also full of Samurais was when Toyotomi conquered Korea in 1592. And then of course 1894.
The time to invade is not during an imperial crisis: there's lots of armies around and few food to grab. It's after centuries of peace that China or Korea are worth invading; when their army is rotten and the granaries full.
Liked by: Nikolai Ilychkayev

In 2016, words like "diversity" and "LGBT" and "hate speech" have become a regular part of the Japanese political vocabulary. Major corporations and universities are also setting up American-style diversity departments. Westerners keep saying Japan is getting fascist, but I'm not seeing it at all.

That's not quite incompatible. The Left is getting lefter and the Right is getting righter. Which is only natural if you see it as conflict escalating. But yeah, Japan can't quite go fascist while remaining an American satrapy.

There are some vocal indian nationalists who claim that Buddhism made China peacefull. That before its penetration of Chinese society China was expansionist but after it became isolationist and didnt realy try to expand. Your opinion?

The Tang weren't expansionist? Give me a break. Buddhist became popular during the 300 year Northern and Southern Dynasties era, which saw constant warfare between steppe nomad dynasties up North and the Chinese down South. The Tang were also devoutly Buddhist.
Late in the Tang, the government run out of money and they pillaged the monasteries, which never really recovered their power. After that the Chinese lost their military edge.
So I'll make the argument that the crackdown on Buddhism was what made China peaceful. How did India do in warfare after Buddhism died over there? Didn't they get busted by Muslims for centuries, never to recover?
You could more or less say that Buddhism did tame the Tibetans and the Mongols, though. I wrote about that.
Liked by: Nikolai Ilychkayev

Will the Olympics cuck Japan?

To a small extent. But nothing too serious. It's a huge pork barrel project; anything that disturbs that will be crushed without mercy.
Liked by: Yakimi2015

Do WNs appreciate the fact that Southern Nationalists do not trust Yankees and would be the last to buy into their repackaging of Nietzsche's "Good European," schtick?

I am not a WN and I'm not American so I neither now nor care.

Any thoughts as to why people gravitate towards black and white, totalist thinking in regards to questions of race or genetics? For example, many obsessed with the JQ tend towards acting as though the issue is entirely determined by genetics, ignoring cultural programming.

It's a signaling spiral to see who is more "concerned" about the JQ. Putting it in the worst possible terms signals your edginess. It doesn't get more edgy than mass murder because genetics.

Since secular progs put all of their faith in their political ideology, is there no hope for resolving out differences with them peacefully? Are we destined to a war of extermination, or at least a fight to avoid their (mass) murder/ (mass) suicide plans for all of us?

Non sequitur. Secular progs just follow the available way to power. If Trump, say, actually achieved power, all those secular progs will eventually become the most pious Trumpkin of all.

Have you noticed that having the name "reaction" or "reactionary" in a blog's name correlates with pompousness and hysterical prose?

Heh. Putting a group identifier in one's blog name implies one pretends to represent the whole thing. It must be pompous.

Has anyone in particular disappointed you in their response to the Trumpening, be it a public figure or someone you know in real life?

Disappointment would imply I expected better. I have low expectations about politics.

How do you discern between a conspiracy to bring about a certain outcome from accidents of policy that had serendipitous consequences (((for some)))?

That's a hard problem. There's a similar old problem in philosophy which says you can't really know if someone is in pain. You know they say so, or if they behave in a way consistent with previous instances of that, but you can't really know what's going on in someone's brain.
You can't know either how a policy got made unless you're part of the conspiracy.

Is it a motivation for the mainstreaming of homosexuality that it casts a shadow on any explicitly all male association, be it a corporate body or just friends?

I don't think that's the "motivation", but it does have that effect, which makes it all the more convenient.
Old Greek hoplites were all about sodomy but that didn't cast a shadow on their ability to fight, though.
Liked by: ratiomon

Why do you say that half of South Korea's political establishment is owned by North Korean operatives?

Because they argue for expelling the US Army and giving money and food to North Korea.


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