
E7sas 3'Erah

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قووول قسم

ڪْلمه تًقولهآ.. إذآ أستًحيتً \ عصبتً \ روقتً \ خلاصً وصُل حُدڪْ \ إنصدمتً,؟

اذا استحيت / افهي
واذا عصبت /خذ وخل
اذا روقت / ساكت والابتسامة شاقة وجهي
اذا وصلت حدي / ما اتكلم
اذا انصدمت / على حسب الصدمة ^ اذا كانت شي خير او شر


We know too meny people in our lifes
Wecare and love them so much that we don't want ti lose them
But suddenly…!
We got shocked disappointed and maybe hurt
Wondering "why is this happning"..?
For a moment we lose our faith on people …promising our selves not to trust anyone anymore then we move on
Meeting now people and the same process keeps contiuing again and agin ..not because we are dumbs or weak
But because this is the way of life
There is a lesson behind every pain
A message with every person we meet
A purpose for everything in life
We can't change facts
But we can only
"change ourselves"


Language: English