
S I D (=

Ask @ssidneybaarto

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Would you rather be a lonely genius, or a sociable idiot?

Sociable idiot. Because I would have fun with my self laughing all day long .. Like Patrick star
Liked by: Kayla

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sidddneyyy ilysm & I just want u to know that I'm always here for u no matter what and if u need anything just text me 949•485•1608❤❤

Awh thanks Hannah <3 I'm always here for u too trust me .. More than anyone I will never judge u EVER !


S I D (=
A while back I made horrible mistakes and did stupid things to myself , like cutting and drugs and I'm only so young .. But now I'm better and I still do mistakes .. Because if u make mistakes ur trying new things making new things, living, learning , pushing yourself , changing yourself , changing the world .. Your doing things that u have never done .. Which makes u live a happy life .. Look at Taylor swift ! She is beautiful and she gets called a slut because she has dated a lot of guys and never fell in love the right way .. So ? Neither have I .. Literally . Yeah I'm in love right now with jake .. But he tells me everyday he loves me <3 my friend is thinking about commiting suicide .. I'm trying my best to help her but it isn't really working but I'm still here for her aren't I ? Well for those out there who have suicidal thoughts know ur beautiful in your own way .. U can come to me for anything even if I don't know u <3 good morning guys . :-) the one that made me write this ~ Harry styles ~

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What is the very last thing you do before you settle in to fall asleep at night?

Think about how lonely I am c'x aha <3

If you could be invisible for a day, what would your do?

** you & I would probably have fun with it while it last .. Like trip the people I don't like and pants people .. Stuff like that xD <3 so niggas watch out ! ;-)

Tbh & rates please do all thanks for your time

Fuck no. Sorry. I have done so many .. If u want a tbh and a rate .. ask me .. And maybe I will ..

What is the purpose of life?

Nothing ._. I mean look at our society .. No one loves eachother the same anymore ? No one truly loves one another anymore .. And if u do love someone truly , they end up breaking ur heart and we end up suicidal .. I don't get the purpose of life anymore I haven't for a while ..

Shannon S?

Shannon sim and I barley talk .. Like ever .. And usually when we do it's awkward .. ._. But she is really pretty . She is usually with parker when I see her .. Parker is one of my friends .. And who is this ?!?

Morgan S?

Morgan is beautiful and she is lucky because like every guy likes her <3 she is soo nice and im always here for her .. We barely talk but when we do it's always the best
Liked by: Kayla

Kaylee S?

Kaylee simler is beautiful .. She thinks she isn't but OMG she is perf.. And that's funny because I was just with her brother 20 minutes ago .. He is my "Bestfriend" .. And I love her personality <3
Liked by: Kayla

Angel H?

Angel huizar is so pretty OMG idek she is so lucky to be that pretty i have known her since 4th grade and I still love her ! <3 she came over the other day and tht was the most FUNNIEST day I swear ! <3 I love her as well
Liked by: Kayla

Hannah G?

Hannah is freaking amazing ! <3 i love her so much because we understand eachother even though we haven't met in person .. She is the lost funniest person Ik at this point i love her . ;-)
Liked by: Kayla

You just say what you think of them

Alright .. Well jake hamman is the best I can ask for he always tells me he loves me everyday .. His smile alone can make my day .. We hang out 2 a week .. But it's better than nothing .. His hugs are the best his laugh makes me laugh its adorable .. <3 I couldn't ask for better
Liked by: Kayla

they tried to follow me but I blocked them all bcuz his aunt always gets mad at me when I post emberassing pics of him

Liked by: Kayla


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