
Morpha, please, STAHP.

Ask @StayTrueorGTFO

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Que película me recomiendas Ceci?

Masani Filth✝
Estoy algo espesa, intentaré poner una lista, a ver si hay alguna que te interese:
-500 días juntos
-Un ciudadano ejemplar
-Patch Addams
-Mentiroso compulsivo
-7 almas
-Las dos caras de la verdad
-Big Fish
-La vida secreta de Walter Mitty
-El curioso caso de Benjamin Button
Normalmente se me ocurren muchas más :'c

[Sorpréndeme] Atte:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B2hIBgvi9VAStayTrueorGTFO’s Video 110034849178 B2hIBgvi9VAStayTrueorGTFO’s Video 110034849178 B2hIBgvi9VA
I haven't lost anything except my mind
Expect a thousand confessions that you will not find
I try to take off my head sometimes
Because I can't escape the memories
I haven't lost anything except my mind
You could be empty and I can be right here empty with you
Or you could be hollow and I can be right here hollow with you
If you want to say goodbye to everything I could say goodbye too
I can be right here empty with you
I haven't wasted anything except my time
Forget the treasures we burned because we'll be just fine
I try to take off my head sometimes
Because I can't escape for the life of me
I haven't lost anything except my mind
You could be empty and I can be right here empty with you
Or you could be hollow and I can be right here hollow with you
If you want to say goodbye to everything I could say goodbye too
I can be right here empty with you
Instead of going underground, instead of calling them out
Instead of running 'cause you're still breathing
Instead of swallowing lies, instead of buried alive
Let's twist the knife 'til they can't stop bleeding
If you need a confession, I'm guilty
Let's twist the knife 'til they can't stop bleeding
Do you think I feel sorry, forgive me
Let's twist the knife 'til they can't stop bleeding
Instead of going underground, instead of calling them out
Let's twist the knife 'til they can't stop screaming
You could be empty and I can be right here empty with you
Or you could be hollow and I can be right here hollow with you
If you want to say goodbye to everything I could say goodbye too
I can be right here empty with you.
Podría decirse que es prácticamente mi canción favorita de The Used. La letra, no sé.

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StayTrueorGTFO’s Video 110034849178 B2hIBgvi9VAStayTrueorGTFO’s Video 110034849178 B2hIBgvi9VA

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Muy buenas chochetes! Te llega, te sigo. Violas, violo. [Inserte miedo; texto, imagen, historia. Lo que sea.] No olvideis que mi ask os quiere. Pasarse. Os hama:

Ŧraaaaan ∞

Estoy a 13 episodios de terminar FMA Brotherhood y os pido consejo por si me recomendáis ver o no luego la primera serie. Es que me han dicho que es peor, y claro, verme la misma historia de nuevo pero peor y encima que son muchos capítulos no sé. Bueno, ¿qué me recomendáis? Gracias de antemano.

La primera seria está bien para pasar el rato y ver anime si te da igual que no sea fiel al manga o a la verdadera historia, la verdad.
A mí me gustó, pero prefiero Brotherhood, vaya.


Language: English