
Steph Parth

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Tbh Steph I hear your sisters kind of a bitch ;) you're an amazing person and really fun to be around, your taste in music is awesome I'm fairly jealous of how many instruments to can play, you're a great singer and really smart and funny :) come to belle next year! And have a good Mother's Day!

Luke Yahn
i know hey who is this long lost sister i dont know about?? and no belle thanks maaaaan :)

your sis is a bitch

Thats weird because I dont have a sister!! Ahah I have three brothers so yeaaah

Tbh ah Steph we go back ;) your one of my bestfriends and I miss hanging out with you. Your crazy and random and I love it. We need to chill soon

You are too kind & I love you

What scares you?

If you would ever like to kill me, put me in a room with moths.
But be warned that I will haunt you forever for it.
The worst.

If you could be invisible for one hour, where would you go and what you would you do?

Id have way too much fun spooking people

Why do people smoke?

The feeling of nicotine slowly eating away at your cells is definately relaxing so id say thats why

If you were city mayor, what changes would you make to your city?

Id be rob ford so id make national crack day thats my two year plan for st. A
Liked by: Luke Yahn

Tbh Steph!! You're freakin awesome and the most unique person I can think of :) you're really good looking and so much fun to chill with! We should talk more like good ol times haha hope everything's awesome for you :)

Luke Yahn
I wanted to post an embarrasing childhood picture of you in response but I couldnt find any but hellz yeah lets go back to grade 6 childhood, that was good stuff
Liked by: Luke Yahn


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