
Kush G ✔

Ask @stepuss_gleb

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is this happened to you,that @ night you see a very good dream and when you wake up you realize that it was just a dream and then you're little pit sad and disappointed

sometimes yes :)
Liked by: Kush G ✔

I got a problem,can you give me advice: i like two girls,they both are very nice,one of the girls wears a lot of make up i haven't seen her face without make-up,but the other girl is more natural,so i don't know who i should choose

without make up ;) for sure

Amn sorry if you didn't like something,i just said you some ideas what you can do in this boring country..

naah, everything is cool! U can do a lot of things right here lol, i dont wanna chat here, sorry :) If u really wanna talk, then text me in fb! Gleb Stepuss

What do you think about night clubs? No or yes? I love that in night club people are so creative and they just dance and they're who they are,like damn

yh i like them, but not that much :) by the way who r u?)

Where are you really from? And how your family find estonia it's such a small country? Would you have a gf from estonia or nah?

yooo sup! I came from Belarus u know, never forget where u came from !!!! My father works here and we came with him :) I dont have a gf ;)

How many years have you live in estonia? Do you got friends who are estonians?

ii live in Estonia for 6 mounth, and yh, i have a loooot of friends :)

На что ты больше всего тратишь свое время?

В последнее время я трачу большинство своего времени на учебу, а так же не забываю про спорт и сон ;)

Поч не существует? По-моему, очень даже реальная дружба))

Теоритически она существует, а в реальности нет
Liked by: Rast_Arina


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