
another beth

Ask @stereotypicalfuckery

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How do you see yourself spending your time in your old age?

Being fucking cool and rocking out

What is your favorite way of wasting time?

Watching telly or playing jelly crush or laying in bed being stupid with miles

What is your favorite tea?

Tea as in cup or tea or tea as in dinner?
Tea as in normal tea I would say either builders/breakfast, peppermint, or spiced apple and camomile
Tea as in dinner would be pizza. Pizza all day errydayyyyy

How can you tell a good person from a bad one?

My mum's opinion of them is generally right before I even realise

What would your dream house be like?

Stone cottage-y type of thing with a cute wooden pastel painted door on the outside and then minimal black and white with pops of colour and wooden beams and stuff on the inside, very bright and airy and lots of windows!

What are you listening to right now?

Cicely's breathing - she breathes so loudly, especially when she's tired aha

Oh my god can you please fuck off and stop sending Beth hate you clearly dont have anything better to do but go do something decent with your life stupid anon

thanks x

Whoever that fucking CUNT is giving my shit id love to see you say that infront of me!!!!!! Befanny is beautiful, talented and just overall 100% better than you, you pathetic excuse for a human. To think your dad could have had a wank instead of you.



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