

What others replied to:

How to turn down a good friend without being rude or losing friendship? I mean I never gave him hope of any kind, always rejected his impromptu proposals. Even then, he keeps on trying and insisting I give him a try. I don't want to lose him as a friend and so not looking for a relationship rn Help

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Stop being toxic. If you don't have any feelings for him leave. Don't ruin his life by staying. Stop being selfish and cosidering your needs. If he loves you no matter how hard he tries he won't and he can't go back to being friends only. The friendship is already ruined. Just leave and time will fix you both.
It's hard for guys to accept rejection and they keep on saying the same unless we give them what they want. He's not a good friend if he cannot respect your decision and you can't be friends with someone who likes you.
The day he confessed, was the day everything ended. You can never be friends again, he might say he can be, just to keep you some way in his life but, know that things will never be the same now.

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