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Is it ok if I don't want to get married ? Like I feel I'm not ready. It must be my own decision when I have enough nerves to handle and accept marriage stuff. I'm sick off these lines that you are 25 you must be married bla bla otherwise you'll be psycho or won't find dulha . Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

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You don't need to get married to make society happy. One should only do it when they feel ready and have found a person they're compatible with.🥰
The society we live in isn’t the society we expected. If you don’t put your ears on what society say, it doesn’t mean that it is not affecting your parents. Our parents feel differently and they feel it more strongly when people say wrong about their children.
Oh dear, I've been through that 😮‍💨
But trust Allah have tawakal, your heart will be mended towards good and your parent's too.
If they forces then Take Our Quran and Hadeeth's help.
The Prophet (salallāhu ‘alaihi wasallam) stated:
لا تُنكحُ البكرُ حتى تُستأذنَ
“A virgin cannot be given away in marriage until she gives her permission.”(Al-Bukhari, 5136)

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