

Which words or phrases do you most overuse?

Everyone has verbal tics they use too often, "like" "umm" "literally" "so" "totally" and plenty of curses. Maybe I'm just not aware of mine.
(This answer is due to IB English presentations going on. Geez, some people have way too many filler words.)

Latest answers from Selena

What is the one thing you regret doing or not doing the most in your life?

Capitalizing on my AniTube ambitions, instead of letting perfectionism fizzle me out.

What place on earth would you like to live?

A quiet home in the country, big enough to grow a garden and raise chickens or other smaller animals.
Though living in the big city has been really great in many ways.

What are some things that make you really happy?

Good food, being on a creative streak, and feeling like things are going right.

Which is more important to you: someone who has a similar sense of humor, or someone who has similar interests?

Interests, definitely. Though both are good to have.

Language: English