

Latest answers from Min.Hee

yup! I think that would be fair...but since I've already had the type of character I wanna make inside my head, I think I'll just apply for it...might as well apply for another one if I have the time :) thanks!

sure! good luck! :)

Hello!~ I asked the same question in the comments, but I thought it right that I posted it here too. Are the love interests their actual ages or can we edit them to be high school aged? (since all of EXO is older.)

high school age is better :)

In the application, under where it says the applicant's username and active rate, it says nickname... does that mean by nickname of my characters? :)

it means your nickname :)

oh and i forgot to ask in my last question (the one about the nickname), does my character have to speak korean? I was planning on making her speak very little Korean, but i can change that if it's not okay with you. :)

it's up to you :) if he's not that fluent in Korean, I can make you his tutor in the story and so on. So it's up to you :)

continue from my previous question, the one with the opposite character. I would love to apply for that if you have anything in mind to add any plotline similar to that...:)

Hey! I'll add your suggestion. But be aware that someone might also apply for that position. Is that alright with you? :)

I was going to apply and I've noticed the upcoming additional plotline...so my question is from the two plotlines, would there be one that would be the opposite character from the hard to impress? not totally opposite, more like they would differ in personality but they both have the same talents..,

I think that's a good idea :) thanks for saying that to me. Yes! there would be.

Hey it's the previous asker who asked if I could have an EXO member as my brother :) Haha I was planning for it to be Suho, if that's okay with you? (Also, is the password the answer to the red italic words in the cheatsheet? :D )

it's okay.It's up to you :) yes. that's the password. Good luck on the form ;)

Hi~ I wanted to ask if I could have an EXO member as my brother in the applyfic?

it's okay. Who is it? :D

Hello, when will you be updating 'Keeping You'? I've been waiting and waiting. When you wrote the new entry 'Announcement', i thought it's an update bout the fic but too sad you only inform us tht you created an ask.fm acc. Anyway i'll keep waiting~ ~

Hey there! Well, I might be updating it tomorrow or the other day. Since i just updated it the other day.
Sorry for disappointing you. But thanks. I'll always do my best.

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