

i'm not trying to challenge you, i am merely stating that your assumption that everyone who does well in IB has tutors. maybe you need to be a bit more open minded.

Ah well...but...still, if I get only 24 points it doesn't matter as long as I got my diploma, then I'm more than happy and...even if I ended up going to Mahidol instead of University of Derby then that doesn't matter that much because...yeah, I'm too poor to go to the UK. I'm not born to compete or to try to get the highest point in the country or anything.

Latest answers from Nut

Ignore the haters, youre an amazing person and dont let other peoples problems let you down!

Thank you sooo much, to who ever you are.

a lot of girls unfriended you on Facebook because they are scared of you

Get out of here, anonymous posters! The number of questions ran to more than 2680 because of all of your messages!

dont be stupid life is worth everything its all anyones got, just stop reading this and stop what you did before and i promise everone will treat you normally


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