

Would you date the opposite gender? or no? What's your opinion on people that do date the opposite gender?

Dating? As in before marriage kinda date right? Hmm, well.... No.
(Sambung dlm bm pulak la naa xD)
Pandangan aku dekat orang yg dating ni, senang cakap tak berapa manis laa
Sebab, bila kau keluar dgn somebody tu, kau boleh 100% sure ke yang korang in the end will end up together? I mean, how sure are u about the fact that u guys are going to be together?
Kalau end up together takpa lagi, tapi kalau yg tak sampai setahun pastu break, kau tak rasa kau dah ganggu hak orang ke?
I mean, kau tak nak ke kau punya spouse seorang yg tak pernah keluar dgn orang lain except u
Orang kampung kata;
"My one and only love story" =D
Cehh kampung sangat ahahahah
Okay, the point is kalau kau nak pasangan yg innocent macam tu, kau sendiri pon kena bertahan untuk protect your innocence kan?
Bukankah lelaki yg baik untuk wanita yg baik? ; )
Liked by: Alien99 Bolt
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Latest answers from Syahidi

so far hows your lifeee? after this further apa??

Life after asasi can definitely be better, but still there's a long way to go before my degree
I'm thinking of continuing my studies in the science field ; which one? We just have to wait and see ?
How about you?

what's your thoughts on having a relationship without the intention of marriage?

It's better to avoid unnecessary dramas as much as possible

bagi kata semangat?

Found this on this net :
Hidup memerlukan pengorbananan.
Pengorbanan memerlukan perjuangan.
Perjuangan memerlukan ketabahan.
Ketabahan memerlukan keyakinan.
Keyakinan menentukan kejayaan.
Kejayaan menentukan kebahagiaan.

how's life?

Life has no meaning. Each of us has meaning and we bring it to life. It is a waste to be asking the question when you are the answer.

Language: English