

Ask @sydney_power12

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tbh we don't really talk but you're really cool and super athletic and pretty funny sometimes. hot or not: hot

Thanks man

K anonymous loser.First wtf she's happy about dating someone, let her be fucking happy or unfollow. Next, she can be confident because my BF is flawless! You prolly are just upset because my athletic,beautiful,hilarious BF has confidence and friends and u obviously don't because u chirp on ask 😂☺️

I love you❤️
Liked by: Bayley Cowling


And to whoever you are, I hope tomorrow you see me in the halls, I won't know who said it, or who you are, but I hope you see me with a huge smile on my face, because as much as you think you're better than me, that chirp you made shows how negative, rude and mean you truly are, and I hate to say it but those aren't characteristics people look for in a friend
Liked by: Rylan Bayley Cowling

You literally walk around cwood like you're the shit😂 bunny sit the fuck down, and stop acting like it because you're not!

You're someone who looks at someone else and judges them for the way they do their hair, the way the walk, and what they wear. Those people are called haters. It doesn't matter how I walk, or what you think of me, it matters what I do to make myself happy, as much as you feel like a good person, chirping me anonymously over a social media site, it just shows how you don't have what it takes to tell it to my face, there are so many people who like me and so many who don't, and that just means your under the don't category. I don't need you in my life to survive and I don't need to care about what u think or say. So next time you want to chirp me or anyone else, maybe you could show us some respect and either do it in person, where it counts or keep it to yourself, because you are only making me want to push myself more to be better than you will ever be.

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Tbh: you're one of my good friends and I'm so glad we have become closer this year💕you're so pretty and super sweet

Megan Davis
Awe thanks meg I'm glad too😚💜


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