
haris zaidi (SMHZ)

Ask @syedharry98

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Happy New Year! Do you have any resolutions?

so you think its gonna be different me this year?
absolutely fucking not

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What's the absolute best vacation you can imagine?

dude im doing A levels...vac vic vac what vacation what?
*cries in the corner*

If you were really hungry, really exhausted, AND really gross, what would you do first — eat, nap, or shower?

i'm not answering that

Post a picture of your favorite landscape in the world!

kati pahari...I bet if you go there you would never come back xD
Post a picture of your favorite landscape in the world

What advice would you give a person coming to live in your country?

I would advice him not to come...

It's Saturday! What are you doing today?

oh I just realised today's Saturday and
I'm currently doing accounts....
fuck my life :'(


Language: English