

Ask @syifaaulias23

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impdesc dong ❤

Pratidinia_’s Profile Photodini
Imp :
"SYIF" 536389191936739828x
"heh liatin dia ngepost apa"
"HAHAHAHA" *ketawa kyk otok2
"kirik" *kanan kulihat saja
"nilaiku jelek banget" *suatu ironi
"dia lucu banget"
"heh syif aku kudu pie"
"kangen " *padahal ntes ketemu
"SUBHANALLAH" 36739263610×
"heh syif ada "
"aku sedih nduwe konco kyk koe"
"ketawa jangan"
"kok hari ini aku ga ketemu...... ya"
Desc :
Pratidinia kusumaningjati, yang ngapelin banyak, yang ngechat banyak (grup maksudnya+aku), nggateli, penyelamat kebokekan ku yang tak pernah selesai, cempluk, hobinya makan (tp ga sebanyak aku), dini tu di sekolah gapernah sehat, isinya kalo disekolah ya ketawa terus soalnya temennya tu kentir (mboh gatau temenan sama sapa gt kentir bgt), pinter pol, guru les matqu

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mb, bomber jacket yg di pake ke sekolab bli dmn?

gausa pke mb mb segala klo seangkatan.
btw itu beli di wood, kalo cari warna pink ada stradivarius jkt. kalo mau lebih banyak warna+murah mah olshop banyak coba liat di @cozymarket//ig
Liked by: dina

What is your favorite music band?

as long as they have one of these :
a. handsome
b. good music
c. amazing choreography
then i'll follow them
Liked by: cira s e f a

desc bolehlah🙊

rani, ayu, bisa bawa mobil sendiri o, espcheers, punya kaka, rambutnya lurus pol, e'chords, bolone ijah wi
Liked by: cira


Asyfieco’s Profile PhotoAldo
a4, disney lovers, zuy, pergelangan tangannya kecil pol, paski, apikan kalo aku minta hotspot, nyalip line pop ku gara2 aku jarang main lagi😤😤
Liked by: cira Aldo

longdesc aku syif

razkisyaftaap’s Profile Photorazki s
razki syafta aulia putri, davin's, u are the best person who always there to hear my curhat, and u give a great reponses. well, when we were in elementary school you and i are a rival, i don't remember what's the problem that made me h8 u. and ur love story tho, it's like a goals ahaha💋. and one thing, why it have to be long? or maybe u like everything that have a long size?😂😂 no jk. bye ily
Liked by: cira razki s


Language: English