

Oh well that's good for you then. We live like 45 minutes away so it means being ready way in advance. Yeah we have our PR permits but the I.D. is so irritating because it's been a year and a half since I applied. I hope you permit goes better than my ID is going.

Benita E ✔
-That's quite far! And your mum still has to drop off your siblings at school?
-Well.. in terms of my permit, I woke up too late so we didn't go and do my fingerprints. My mother isn't very happy with me haha.
-I can't believe that your ID hasn't come out. I hope they haven't lost it in translation (I'm trying to use an idiom but I think I butchered it hahaha.)
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I wouldnt say a posse but yeah ive got some friends in my courses. I went into Beauty and the Beast with low expectations so I was pleasantly surprised. I'd give it a 7.5

Benita E ✔
How was your Easter break?

Oooh korean dramas i didnt know you liked that. Also the getting out the house thing, completely relate😂 Besides tests, everything is going good. Finally meeting people with similar interests. I watched Beauty and the Beast recently and other than that I havent left the house much except for school

I recently discovered Korean dramas because I was bored out of my mind and TV was not doing justice haha. I'm glad things are going great ;) I'm sure you have a whole posse of friends! Are some doing the same course as you? I also watched Beauty and the Beast; it was more of a 7/10 movie in my opinion (I am really hard to please haha.)

Heyyy! How's your gap year going?!

Benita E ✔
Let me set the demographics of my life for you:
• 85% Korean dramas.
• 10% Cooking and Baking for the family.
• 3% Doing some Household chores (basically helping around the house.)
• 1% Actually getting out the house.
• 0.99% Doing things you are supposed to do in a gap year. (I went to First Aid two weeks ago haha.)
How are you? How's your life?

Why is your mood set as a sad face? Is everything alright? Have they sorted out your study visa yet? They'd better have😡!!!

-Long story short, I haven't gotten my study visa and I can't start uni this year, because it too late.
-How's life your side of town?

I have amazing friends! My friend paid for me because we had no idea where to find an ATM and lunch was almost over. Enough about me though. How's your university experience been so far?

Benita E ✔
-That's so lovely of them! What nice buddies :)
-I haven't started yet :( still waiting on that study visa I told you about. I HAVE BECOME SO BORED OUT OF MY MIND AND ANXIETY IS CREEPING ON ME.

I was watching a movie but i slept cuz the speech was boring. We have to bring our own food. And they dont take cards so I have to find an ATM

Benita E ✔
I understand about speeches being boring haha. Were you with friends that could accompany you to find an ATM?

1st day is good. Theyve just been talking a whole lot. And I fell asleep in on of the speeches already but we're on lunch break now.

Benita E ✔
WHAT WERE YOU DOING UP SO LATE??? Do they provide food, or you bring your own? (because if you have to bring your own, that's not very nice of them!)

Sorry to disappoint but you'll probably have to go back. Several times. For each application 😶 These few weeks have been relaxing. I picked up more chores (not fun) but I caught up on my series and started new ones and got lots of sleep 😁

Benita E ✔
-Same here with the sleep and series! :D
-How was your first day of orientation? (that is, if you go the whole week.)

Orientation is next week. I'm so excited!!! A quick heads up with the university stuff. Application fees are EXPENSIVE and you have to be prepared to follow up with your school to send your reports from grade 10 to matric. I probably should have had an agency. Would have made it much less stressful

Benita E ✔
-I wasn't even that excited as you are for orientation week haha.
-I KNOW. I wanted to apply for a scholarship and the exchange rate is not in my favour right now. DON'T SAY I HAVE TO GO BACK TO THAT PRISON OF A SCHOOL AGAIN I MATRICULATED FOR A REASON.
-On a side note, what have you been up to the last few weeks? Chilling out? Resting your mind before student life officially kicks in?

I don't know exactly but i think they have to clean up all the mess from the protests. I think people were still writing in January but I'm not sure. My Valentines day was like any other day except I wished people happy valentine's on social media 😂 How was yours?

Benita E ✔
-Ah, have you started orientation week yet?
-I did the same as you haha but I went with my father to look at overseas universities at a business that helps you with the process. My parents weren't very romantic on the day either hehe.

Language: English